Vali sobivad sõnad. Find the word or phrase that best completes each sentence. Test nr 2

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1 / 15

Smoking is a bad ___

2 / 15

No matter ___, you must keep trying.

3 / 15

He always works ___.

4 / 15

“Some sugar?” “___”

5 / 15

We ___ be millionaires one day.

6 / 15

Will you do me a favour if ___ you?

7 / 15

“How many eggs have we got?” “___”

8 / 15

When ___ Mr. Jones?

9 / 15

My train arrived at 10:15, which means: ___.

10 / 15

“Can you lend me a euro?” “___”

11 / 15

My uncle arrived while I ___ dinner.

12 / 15

I can’t wait. I’m ___ a hurry.

13 / 15

Do you know ___ I met last Saturday?

14 / 15

How much longer ___ this dictionary?

15 / 15

“What are you doing?” “I ___ to find my watch.”
