Ühendverbe on tegelikult väga palju. Siin on toodud vaid mõned valitud näited nende kohta.

BLOW UP (explode): The factory was blown up yesterday. (Tehas lasti eile õhku.)

BREAK DOWN (stop functioning): My car broke down yesterday. (Mu auto lakkas eile töötamast.)

BREAK IN ON (interrupt): He broke in on my conversation with mom. (Ta segas vahele mu vestlusele emaga.)

BRING UP (mention a topic): Jenny brought up that song again. (Jenny võttis jälle selle laulu kõne alla.)

BRING UP (raise children): Deborah has to bring up four children. (Deborah’l peab nelja last kasvatama.)

CALL OFF (cancel): The meeting was called off. (Koosolek jäeti ära.)

CALL ON (visit): The doctor called on Helen. (Arst käis Heleni juures.)

CATCH ON (become popular): Meg caught on in her class. (Meg sai oma klassis populaarseks.)

CATCH UP WITH (keep abreast): You should catch up with the the class. (Sa peaks klassiga sammu pidama.)

CHECK UP ON (examine): She promised to check up on me every day. (Ta lubas käia mind iga päev kontrollimas.)

COME OVER (visit): Ted should come over any minute now. (Ted peaks iga hetk läbi tulema.)

COME TO (regain consciousness): He came to after several minutes. (Ta tuli mitme minuti pärast teadvusele.)

COME UP WITH (contribute): She came up with a very good idea. (Ta pakkus välja väga hea idee.)

DROP BY (visit without appointment): Lenny drops by once in a while. (Lenny astub vahel läbi.)

DROP OUT OF (leave school): Carrie dropped out of school. (Carrie kukkus koolist välja.)

FIND OUT (discover): I found out the reason for his actions. (Ma sain ta tegude põhjuse teada.)

GET ALONG WITH (have a good relationship with): I don’t get along with my dad. (Ma ei saa oma isaga läbi.)

GET BY (survive): Michael should get by with that money. (Michael peaks selle rahaga hakkama saama.)

GET OVER (recover): Hallie hasn’t still got over the divorce. (Halle ei ole ikka veel lahutusest üle saanud.)

GET THROUGH WITH (finish): Will you ever get through with that essay? (Kas sa kunagi selle essee lõpetad ka?)

GET UP (arise): Sue got up at 9 a.m. (Sue ärkas kell 9 hommikul.)

GO ON (continue). Henry will go on with that survey. (Henry jätkab seda uuringut.)

GO ON (happen): Mother came to see what was going on.(Ema tuli vaatama, mis toimub.)

GO OVER (review): The students went over the material. (Õpilased vaatasid materjali üle.)

GO THROUGH (use up): Have you gone through all your money? (Kas sa oled kogu oma raha ära kulutanud?)

HAND IN (submit): The pupils handed in their essays. (Õpilased andsid oma esseed ära.)

HANG UP (put something on hook or receiver): She hung up the phone. (Ta pani toru ära.)

HOLD UP (delay): I don’t want to hold up the meeting. (Ma ei taha koosolekut edasi lükata.)

HOLD UP (rob): Three men held up the bank yesterday. (Kolm meest röövisid eile panka.)

KEEP ON (continue with the same): Jackie keeps on looking for the job. (Jackie otsib tööd edasi.)

LOOK AFTER (take care of): Will you look after my dog? (Kas sa hoolitseksid mu koera eest?)

LOOK DOWN ON (despise): Larry looks down on his employees. (Larry suhtub oma alluvatesse põlglikult.)

LOOK FORWARD TO (anticipate with pleasure): I’m looking forward to the holidays. (Ma ootan vaheaega.)

LOOK IN ON (visit): We wanted to look in on Susan. (Me tahtsime Susanit külastada.)

LOOK INTO (investigate): The police look into the suspicion of murder. (Politsei uurib mõrvakahtlust.)

LOOK UP TO (respect): Tony looks up to his teachers. (Tony austab oma õpetajaid.)

MAKE OUT (understand): I couldn’t make out anything he was saying. (Ma ei saanud millestki aru, mida ta rääkis.)

MAKE UP (invent a lie): She made up a story about going to the movies. (Ta valetas, et käis kinos.)

PASS OUT (lose consciousness, faint): He drank too much and passed out. (Ta jõi liiga palju ja kaotas teadvuse.)

PICK OUT (choose): I’m sure I picked out the right opportunity. (Ma olen kindel, et valisin õige võimaluse.)

PUT OFF (postpone): All the students wanted to put off the test. (Kõik õpilased tahtsid tööd edasi lükata.)

PUT OUT (extinguish): The firemen put the fire out quickly. (Tuletõrjujad kustutasid tulekahju kiiresti.)

PUT UP WITH (tolerate): Jim can’t put up with his wife anymore. (Jim ei suuda enam oma naist välja kannatada.)

RUN ACROSS (find by chance): I ran across my old boyfriend. (Ma kohtusin juhuslikult oma vana poisiga.)

RUN INTO (meet): I ran into my teacher in the hallway. (Ma kohtusin oma õpetajaga fuajees.)

RUN OUT OF (exhaust supply): The swimmers ran out of energy. (Ujujatel lõppes energia otsa.)

SET UP (arrange): My friends set up a meeting with Ferris. (Mu sõbrad korraldasid kohtumise Ferrisega.)

SHOW UP (arrive): We can’t be sure that Melissa will show up. (Me ei saa kindlad olla, et Melissa kohale jõuab.)

TAKE OFF (go into the air): The plane took off. (Lennuk tõusis õhku.)

THINK BACK ON (recall): I often think back on my childhood. (Ma meenutan tihti oma lapsepõlve.)

TURN DOWN (refuse): I had to turn down the offer. (Ma pidin pakkumisest keelduma.)

TURN OFF (switch off): Turn off the lights. (Lülita tuled välja.)

TURN ON (switch on): John turned on the radio. (John pani raadio mängima.)

TURN UP (appear): It turned up that Jenny hasn’t paid the money. (Tuli välja, et Jenny ei ole raha maksnud.)

WALK OUT ON (abandon): Her husband walked out on his children. (Ta abikaasa hülgas oma lapsed.)

See artikkel on retsenseerimata.
